New York Unveils Plan to Revamp High School Graduation Criteria
November 13, 2023A committee studying high school graduation policy in New York is presenting its final recommendations about what students should know to earn a diploma, whether the state’s exit exams should remain a requirement, and flexibility for some students. Changes to the Regents exams have been controversial, but the commission recommended reducing or modifying the assessment requirements, offering options beyond standardized tests. The state education officials anticipated the proposals could go to a vote next fall, capping lengthy review started in 2019. State officials estimated necessary regulatory changes and associated costs over the coming months. The commission also called for replacing the three diploma types with one diploma and changes to diploma credit requirements, providing students more flexibility in picking their classes and possibly incorporating fine and performing arts and writing skills for “real-world scenarios.” Exemptions to the testing requirement could become widespread for students going through major life events or extenuating circumstances. The commission is also eyeing tailored graduation requirements for students who are refugees or otherwise new to the United States and those above the age they’re required to attend school.