Bringing In Real Leadership: Why Rikers Island Requires Outside Perspective
December 4, 2023
The Department of Correction Commissioner Lou Molina is leaving his position to become assistant deputy mayor for public safety in the Adams City Hall, but there is still no replacement named for him. Molina revealed in a declaration to Manhattan Federal Judge Laura Taylor Swain that he has no timeline for his departure, leaving the department in a state of uncertainty. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Molina was unaware of the creation of an Arson Reduction Unit, raising questions about his leadership. There are increasing calls for an experienced corrections administrator to take over the department, with support from the state Attorney General and other key figures. The monitoring team has also filed a report highlighting the need for a receiver to address the unstable and chaotic environment within the DOC. It seems that consensus is forming around the idea that the department is incapable of fixing itself, and now all that’s needed is Swain’s signature on the order for a receiver.