Antisemitism on the Rise: Israel Critics Target Jewish Community

November 16, 2023 By admin Off

The author recounts walking with his daughter down Third Ave. when a man ripped a photo of an Israeli captured by Hamas off a lamppost. He initially wanted to confront the man, but refrained because his daughter was with him. Antisemitism has increased due to Israel’s efforts to protect its people and rescue hostages. This has led to Jews being vilified as butchers and colonizers, a gross misrepresentation. Antisemites punch up against those they perceive as in control, labeling them responsible for all Palestinian suffering. Despite the hypocrisy, the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion are not extended to the Jewish community. The author then describes his visit to Israel and the effect of the recent tragedy there, highlighting the country’s resilience. He urges American Jews to stand up against antisemitic rhetoric and advocates for the return of captives and challenging any assertions that Hamas’ actions are legitimate resistance to Israeli occupation. The writer concludes by expressing the need for unity among the Jewish community to withstand the current wave of antisemitism.